Instrument slots
What they do
The instrument slots provide the actual interface through which you load and control individual instrument patchesA particular instrument sound, often containing multiple samples. The term is borrowed from physical synthesizers in which cables were used to connect sound modules. Also referred to as program. in the ARIA Player. Use the instrument slots to control which patches are loaded and how they interact with your audio and MIDI devices. Because there are sixteen slots available, you can have up to sixteen instrument patches loaded in each instance of the ARIA Player. By default, the ARIA Player launches with all sixteen instrument slots empty.
Each slot provides five options that apply to the patch that is loaded in that slot. You can tune (or de-tune) the slot by increments of one cent (1/100 of one half-step), set the effect range of a pitchbend controller in half-steps, set the maximum number of simultaneous notes for the slot (polyphony), change which pair of stereo channels the slot plays through (depending on your audio hardware), and choose which MIDI input channel controls the slot.